Public Policy departments are not commonly found in direct service organizations such as Rosie’s Place, but giving voice to issues that affect poor and homeless women has always been an integral part of what we do.
The Public Policy department works to seek social justice on behalf of Rosie’s Place guests. We work to achieve this goal through direct lobbying, coalition building and by empowering guests to be actively involved in civic life.
Any questions or comments related to Public Policy may be directed to Tri Tran, Director of Public Policy, at or at 617.318.0201.
Through the Rosie's Place Action Network, you can easily promote social justice and affect change for poor and homeless women in Greater Boston. Our action alerts will quickly reach you when we need legislative support for issues impacting our community.
2023-2024 Public Policy Priorities
H.145/S.86: An act improving emergency housing assistance for children and families experiencing homelessness (Rep. Marjorie Decker; Sen. Rausch)
H.1690/S.956: An Act Promoting housing opportunity and mobility through eviction sealing (HOMES)(Rep. Michael Moran; Sen. Lydia Edwards
H.1351: An Act codifying the Massachusetts rental voucher program (Rep. Adrian Madaro)
H.2894/S.1799: An Act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the commonwealth (Rep. Sam Montano; Sen. James Eldridge)
H.144/S.75: An act to lift kids out of deep poverty (Rep. Marjorie Decker; Sen. Sal DiDomenico)
H.3084/S.1990: An Act relative to language access and inclusion (Rep. Adrian Madaro & Rep. Carlos Gonzalez; Sen. Sal DiDomenico)
H.3384/S.666: An act to establish free access to ride to elections in Massachusetts (FARE) (Rep. Frank Moran; Sen. Jason Lewis)
H.3388/H.3360 /S.2251: An act to provide identification to youth and adults experiencing homelessness (Rep. O’Day, Rep. Khan; Sen. Robyn Kennedy).
H.211/S.1112: An act establishing a bill of rights for individuals experiencing homelessness (Rep. Smitty Pignatelli & Rep. Frank Moran; Sen. Rebecca Rausch)
H.1312/S.856: An act providing upstream homelessness prevention assistance to families, youth, and adults (RAFT) (Rep. Marjorie Decker; Sen. Brendan Crighton)
H.1731/S.864: An act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts (Rep. David Rogers & Rep. Michael Day; Sen. Sal DiDomenico)
S.1510: Safe Communities Act, (Senators Eldridge, Miranda) and H.2288 (Reps. Balser, Cruz).
S.740: (Senator DiDomenico) and H.1237: (Rep. D. Rogers) Cover All Kids Act
H.147: An act providing immediate childcare assistance to homeless families (Rep. Marjorie Decker)
H.1379/S.858: An act to promote yes in my backyard (Rep. Andres Vargas & Rep. Kevin Honan; Sen. Brendan Crighton)
H.1305/S.884: An act to create affordable homes for persons with disabilities (Rep. Consalvo & Rep. Marjorie Decker; Sen. Robyn Kennedy)
H.1354/S.885: An act to create and implement a Massachusetts flexible supportive housing subsidy pool program (Rep. John Meschino; Sen. Brendan Crighton)
H.603/S.261: An act relative to universal school meals (Rep. Andres Vargas; Sen. DiDomenico)
H.1362/S.878: An act to secure housing for returning citizens (Rep. Sam Montano, Sen. Adam Gomez)
H.1451/S.936: An act relative to expungement of juvenile and young adult records (Rep. Marjorie Decker & Rep. Khan; Sen. Cynthia Creem)
H.135/S.76: An act establishing basic needs assistance for Massachusetts immigrant residents (Rep. Tony Cabral & Rep. Judith Garcia; Sen. Sal DiDomenico)
H.3288 MBTA Commuter Rail Fare Equity (Rep. Rob Consalvo)
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation’s FY24 request for $49 million in state civil legal aid funding (line item 0321-1600)
City (Boston)
Mayor Wu’s Proposed Changes to the City of Boston’s Inclusionary Development Policy
H.2793: An Act relative to real estate transfer fees and senior property tax relief (Boston Home Rule Petition, Rep. Fluker Oakley)
FARM Bill: Up for reappropriation this year; most of the money in this bill goes towards the SNAP program
H.R. 1269: The Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act (Rep. Jim McGovern)